Building Maintenance Fund

“For where your treasure is, your heart will be also.” – Matthew 6:21

We ask you to prayerfully consider how God is calling you to share of your treasure. MQP is able to do amazing things in the lives of many through your contributions.

Mary Queen of Peace Church was dedicated on August 25, 1990. Since then, this building has been home to well over 10,000 Masses where we gather with and receive Jesus Christ in the Eucharist. Countless people have come just to visit our Lord, or to rest in prayer with our Blessed Mother and patroness. Time and again individuals have sought the mercy of God in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. There have been innumerable gatherings for joyous occasions as well as sorrowful ones, in the life of individuals and families and our wider community. Each day children grow and learn in our Preschool, and each week others make the pilgrimage to grow in faith through our many faith formation and sacramental preparation opportunities. This building serves as our home.

However, at 34 years old, our building and campus are also showing their wear. It’s hopefully going to be a busy year around the MQP campus with a number of building projects. Some of them are routine maintenance, while others are upgrades. I say hopeful because we can only move forward with your help.

Our necessary projects will deplete our Maintenance Reserve Fund and spend through two-thirds of our projected unrestricted reserves. We have the ability to take out a loan, but that still leaves the necessity and challenge of paying it back.

And so I am asking for your help – a special capital ask to fund the needs of our building, that it may continue to serve us well. It’s not a campaign over several years, or a particular goal, but a special request that you ask the Lord how He is calling you to build up our building, and therefore, our community. Below are our total available financial reserves, and projects and cost estimates.

FY2024-25 Year End Projected Unrestricted Cash: $550,000 (not including restricted funds)

Maintenance Reserve Fund: $179,000

The new boiler is on the way! We have undertaken several roof projects, but the flat roof is still original. We fixed four separate leaks recently, and the temporary patches will last a year. The whole flat roof needs to be replaced. The parking lot has a number of places that are worn through, and it needs to be resurfaced to ensure its longevity, and restriped to ensure good parking.

I am most excited about the security system. This upgrade will include remote access entry, alarms and other monitoring capabilities that will ensure the security of our campus and all who use it, but also hopefully allow greater accessibility for ministries.

This year’s ACA rebate will be about $50k and will be dedicated to these projects, as well. Long term, the goal is to have a sustainable budget that funds both operations as well as allows for some investment in our buildings and reserve. Unfortunately, with collections declining some the last three years, and major expense categories increasing by a higher margin, we are upside down at present – but we are making progress at being good stewards of the gifts you entrust to our care. And unfortunately, our building is of a certain age right now where it just needs lots of care. The Church is one body with many parts. We need your help.

If you would like to make a donation, large or small, to ensure that our campus can continue to serve and support our community life, you can do so by donating to our Maintenance Reserve.  You can also use the QR code below, or using a check include a memo for the Building Maintenance Fund. You can also use the Building Maintenance Fund envelope. Don’t forget about company matching opportunities if those are available to you.

Thank you for your generous consideration, and together helping build up the Kingdom of God, and our building.

In Christ,

Fr. Matthew Oakland